
Biden vows to end Trump travel ban, ‘Islamicphobia’ in call with Linda Sarsour

Joe Biden railed against what he called “Islamicphobia” and vowed to end the Trump administration’s travel ban on his first day in office during a call Monday with the nation’s largest Muslim-American PAC — including anti-Israel activist Linda Sarsour.

“If I have the honor of being president, I will end the Muslim ban on day one, day one,” Biden said during the “Million Muslim Votes Summit” call hosted by Emgage Action which endorsed his White House bid in April.

The travel ban signed by President Trump in January 2017 blocks most immigrants and travelers from Iran, Libya, Somalia, North Korea, Syria, Venezuela and Yemen.

But Biden didn’t stop there, also lamenting that US schools don’t teach more about Islam.

“One of the things I think is important, I wish we taught more in our schools about the Islamic faith,” he said, while accusing President Trump of “fanning the flames of hate.”

In a rambling speech, the presumptive Democratic nominee also railed against what he called “Islamicphobia” in the call attended by a handful of Muslim political activists — including anti-Zionist Sarsour who told Americans to rise up against what she called a “fascist administration.”

The correct term for prejudice against Muslims is Islamophobia.

“Under this administration, we’ve seen an unconscionable, an unconscionable rise in Islamicphobia and incidents including kids being bullied in schools and hate crimes in our communities,” Biden said, repeating the misnomer over and over.

“He’s named people with a history of open Islamicphobia — open, straightforward, who have no business serving in high positions in our government — to key leadership roles in our Department of Defense and the US Agency of International Development,” he continued.

The PAC has committed to turning out one million Muslim voters for Biden and promised to “deliver” him the battleground states of Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Florida in November.

Sarsour, a Palestinian-American activist and Bernie Sanders surrogate with a history of anti-Semitic remarks, gave a tepid endorsement of Biden at best.

“This is not about who you like and who you don’t like, it’s about whether you want to defeat fascism in America,” she said.

“This election for me is not about Joe Biden,” she continued before quickly steering the conversation toward the Palestinian territories.

Brooklyn-born Sarsour was dumped from the Women’s March movement she helped found in September 2019 after her views were made public, including her praise for Rasmea Odeh, a Palestinian terrorist convicted in 1970 for her role in the bombing of a Jerusalem supermarket.

She is also an ally of Jew-hating Nation of Islam chief Louis Farrakhan and is a fan of the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel.

“Our community is committed to ending the occupation of the Palestinian people, our community is committed to Muslims who are oppressed all over the world,” Sarsour said, vowing to push Biden to support her anti-Israel agenda.

“We want to see Joe Biden in the White House but we also want Joe Biden to know that we will hold him accountable to our communities,” she continued.

“We will be at his doorstep to ensure that we are heard in this administration and we will fight for the things that we believe in and we are not going to end our work on election day,” she said.