Ex-Washington safety D.J. Swearinger targets Jay Gruden: ‘They all need to be exposed’

Former Washington safety D.J. Swearinger called out his ex-coach Jay Gruden for a text-message exchange between the two about a blowout loss in 2018, saying that “they all need to be exposed” following a report that described sexual harassment among team executives.

Gruden was not among the former Washington employees accused of sexual harassment, as detailed by the Washington Post, nor did Swearinger accuse him of any such workplace misconduct.

After a 40-16 loss to the Giants, Swearinger said of the team’s defense’s play: “We just didn’t execute, we just didn’t get the job done. That’s the answer they want me to give.”

That led Gruden to text Swearinger, “Wanna play? Let’s f—ing play,” according to a recent Instagram post from Swearinger.

Swearinger played for Washington from 2017-18, before getting cut late in the 2018 season following critical comments of then defensive coordinator Greg Manusky.

“So Let’s Set The Record Straight on Why & How Things Went South For Me In Washington,” Swearinger wrote on Instagram. “To All My Athletes, Imagine Getting A Text Like This From Your Head Coach @ 10 @ night about an interview where you thought you handled It Professionally after getting blew Out 40-16 by Giants. This Is When I Lost Respect For The Washington Staff & Head Coach.

“He Wanted Me To Act Out But I Handled It Professionally & The Next Day He Told Me That Somebody Told Him That I Said Something About him in the interview but when he watched the interview he realized that person was lying & he actually agreed with everything I said. Soooo as a player how would you look @ your coach for the rest of the season?! How can you motivate yourself to play for a guy who talks to you less than a man?!

“Being the man I am I couldn’t be myself after this & that is what lead me to my last interview in which I said a few things that were true but not on the right stage or platform. Understand It’s A Cause & Effect To Everything In Life!!! As A Man You Have To Find Your Peace Through All The Negativity & Move Fwd!! I Was Gonna Give The Man A Pass but after what’s going on with that organization with women! They all need to be exposed. I have a daughter to raise!”

Gruden was fired in the middle of last season after a 35-49-1 record in six seasons. He currently is the offensive coordinator for the Jaguars.