
Trump on Epstein’s ‘cesspool’ private island: ‘Just ask Prince Andrew’

Back in 2015, President Trump condemned his ex-pal Jeffrey Epstein’s private Caribbean island as a “cesspool”  — and he invited reporters to grill Prince Andrew about the place, according to newly resurfaced footage.

“That island was an absolute cesspool, there’s no question about it,”  Trump told reporters, according to a clip posted by the Sun newspaper.

“Just ask Prince Andrew,” Trump dished, flashing a slightly mischievous smile before adding, “He’ll tell you about it. The island was an absolute cesspool.”

Trump linked the Duke of York to Epstein’s so-called “Pedophile Island” while talking to reporters about President Clinton’s own links to the pervy millionaire.

Trump was responding to questions posed by Fox News host Sean Hannity at the conservative CPAC in February, 2015, prior to his entering the presidential race.

At around that time, accuser Virginia Roberts Giuffre had alleged in a lawsuit that Epstein had kept her in sexual slavery at his properties, including on Little St. James in the Virgin Islands.

Hannity had asked whether the scandal would affect Hillary Clinton’s candidacy. Giuffre and former Epstein employees have said both Prince Andrew and Bill Clinton had visited the island.

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Donald Trump, Melania Trump, Jeffrey Epstein, and Ghislain Maxwell in 2000.
Donald Trump, Melania Trump, Jeffrey Epstein, and Ghislain Maxwell in 2000.Getty Images
Little St. James Island, one of the properties of Jeffrey Epstein.
Little St. James Island, one of the properties of Jeffrey Epstein.REUTERS/Marco Bello

Currently, the Department of Justice is trying to do just that — talk to Prince Andrew about his affiliation with Epstein.

The feds’ probe includes allegations by Giuffre that Epstein and his accused procurer, Ghislaine Maxwell, forced her to have sex with the prince three times, starting in 2001 when she was 17.