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Queen Elizabeth knights 100-year-old WWII veteran on castle lawn

He has a metal walker, she has her father’s old longsword — and as they hobbled toward each other on Friday, the two enjoyed a combined nearly 200 years of age.

New video shows the breathtaking moment Queen Elizabeth, 94, and her newest knight, WWII veteran Tom Moore, 100, walked gingerly toward each other on the quadrangle lawn at Windsor Castle.

Despite her age, the queen managed to carry and then wield a lightweight, ceremonial sword her father, George VI, wore as Colonel of the Scots Guards in the 1930s.

“Thank you very much,” Moore, who fundraised some $42 million for the UK’s national health system, told the queen after the ceremony, according to Reuters.

“Wonderful,” she answered, before greeting Moore’s family. “What an amazing amount of money you have raised,” she added.

The queen, who has been in isolation at the castle due to the pandemic, was also overheard telling the former Army captain, “One hundred is a great age,” the Telegraph reported.

Still, he did not divulge the personal message he received from the queen, the Telegraph reported.

“No, that’s between the queen and I,” he told reporters afterward. The two spoke for some five minutes.

“I don’t think I’ll tell anybody what she said, it was just the Queen and I speaking privately and it was a great honour for me to be able to speak to her at all.”

Moore was nominated for knighthood by Prime Minister Boris Johnson after doing 100 laps around his garden to raise money for the UK’s National Health Service.