
Trump sporting more natural gray hairdo amid the pandemic

WASHINGTON — As the rest of the nation endures missed appointments with their hairdressers and beauticians, President Trump has also started sporting a more natural look.

At a briefing in the Rose Garden on Tuesday, the president emerged from the Oval Office with his signature pompadour exhibiting a distinctly more silver-gray hue.

Trump, 74, is renowned for his preoccupation with his appearance and his year-round tan and intricately coiffed mop of blond hair have demanded as much examination by the media as his stance toward China.

In an interview with Rolling Stone magazine in May 2011, Trump walked a reporter through his beauty regimen.

“OK, what I do is, wash it with Head and Shoulders. I don’t dry it, though. I let it dry by itself. It takes about an hour,” he said.

A photo of the president went viral in February, pre-pandemic, after it showed what appeared to be a tan line on his face, made obvious by his sandy mop blowing in the wind after stepping off Marine One.

But Trump was unfazed by the attempt to demean him, saying the video was “photoshopped” and “more fake news.”

“The wind was strong and the hair looks good?” he ventured in a tweet.