
Trump calls Jeff Sessions ‘a disaster,’ praises rival Tommy Tuberville

President Trump again trashed ally-turned-adversary Jeff Sessions on Tuesday as the former attorney general fights for his political life in a primary election that could lead to his return to the Senate.

“Big Senate Race in Alabama on Tuesday. Vote for @TTuberville, he is a winner who will never let you down. Jeff Sessions is a disaster who has let us all down. We don’t want him back in Washington!” the commander-in-chief tweeted July 11, and retweeted Tuesday about Sessions’ GOP rival, former Auburn football coach Tommy Tuberville.

Sessions fired back, saying Alabama doesn’t take “orders from Washington” while dismissing Trump’s “juvenile insults.”

“I’ve taken the road less traveled. Not sought fame or fortune. My honor and integrity are far more important than these juvenile insults. Your scandal ridden candidate is too cowardly to debate. As you know, Alabama does not take orders from Washington,” Sessions tweeted following Trump’s original post.

Trump, speaking Monday night on a conference call in support of the former Auburn coach, highlighted Tuberville’s success on the gridiron, particularly in the so-called Iron Bowl, the annual game between Alabama and Auburn.

“Really successful coach,” Trump said of Tuberville, who went 85-40 in 10 years with Auburn, AL.com reported.

“Beat Alabama, like six in a row, but we won’t even mention that.”

In a recent video, Tuberville vowed to donate his salary to veterans and touted himself as “a conservative Christian outsider” who would support “no amnesty ever.”

“We’ve been indoctrinating our kids into socialism and not educating our kids, especially up north,” Tuberville said. “We’ve got to get God and the Bible back in our schools.”

Trump fired Sessions shortly after the 2018 midterms after targeting his AG for more than a year with insults after Sessions recused himself from special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe.

Trump called Sessions — the first senator to endorse him for the presidency — “Mr. Magoo” after the short, nearsighted and elderly cartoon character.

“Jeff Sessions should be ashamed of himself for allowing this total HOAX to get started,” Trump tweeted after firing him.

Tommy Tuberville
Tommy TubervilleNed Dishman/Getty Images

Since then, he’s openly opposed Sessions’ efforts to return to the Senate to represent the Cotton State and boosted Tuberville.

Polls close in Alabama at 8 p.m. New York time.