
Is Netflix introducing a ‘shuffle’ button for indecisive viewers?

Lazy TV viewers didn’t know what they had until it was gone.

The ability to choose what to watch on demand is what drove consumers to streaming in the first place. Now, with thousands of movies and series to select from on over 200 streaming networks globally, users are suffering choice paralysis, because even picking a program to watch can be exhausting after a long day.

Having heard the pleas of weary TV watchers, Netflix has launched a shuffle button for some mobile and streaming platforms, including Android and Fire TV users. Apple TV and Amazon Firestick customers have thus far been excluded.

The function began testing among some users last year, and could only be applied to television shows at the time with a “Random Episode” button. During a later rollout of new features, Netflix trialed, and later added, a “Remove from Row” option, which allows users to curate their “Continue Watching” section.

“So are we just not going to acknowledge the fact that netflix has added a shuffle feature,” one person writes.

“This new shuffle feature on Netflix is crazy hahaha genius,” another says.

A Netflix spokesperson told The Post that this surprise roll-out is really just a “second round of testing,” and said that the current experience may not last. For now, they’re focused on gathering feedback, and added they’re working on a variety of products aimed at helping users find and discover new shows.

Still, some have already said the current iteration has been useful.

“The shuffle option on Netflix is perfect for my indecisive ass,” says one Twitter user. “NETFLIX HAS ADDED A SHUFFLE BUTTON! WE DONT HAVE TO SCROLL FOR 45 MINS THINKING FOR OURSELVES ANYMORE,” adds another.