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Michigan business owner likens journalists to Hitler in ranting Facebook post

A Michigan business owner is backtracking after mistakenly posting a bizarre rant on his eatery’s Facebook page — instead of his personal page — likening the press to Adolf Hitler, referring to the coronavirus as the common cold, and claiming he saw a presumed-murdered woman years after she went missing.

In a 1,200-word rant, Carl Nelson, who owns the Pronto Pups franchise food stand on the boardwalk in Grand Haven, blamed the media for fueling concerns over the coronavirus, saying, “Good job HITLER,” reported Tuesday.

Nelson then went on to express support for the paramilitary Michigan Militia, the outlet said.

“I believe it will take fire power. Period,” he wrote Monday in the now-deleted post. “I am curious of the Michigan Militias stand on this act of Treason that Michigans governor is putting us through. Maybe I run for president of the militia….”

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has recently come under fire from some in the state for mandating social distancing and face masks to combat the spread of COVID-19.

Nelson also claimed that Jessica Heeringa, who went missing in 2013 and is presumed murdered, walked into Pronto Pup during the 2017 murder trial of Jeffrey Willis, who was later convicted of killing her.

After widespread backlash over his digital rant, Nelson took to Facebook again to apologize, saying he meant to post it on his personal page, not the restaurant’s page.

“There was a post meant for the owner’s personal account that was accidentally posted to this page tonight,” he wrote. “We have removed it, as it was not intended to be a Pronto Pup post.”

“This post was in no way representative of Pronto Pup as a business or our staff members. We are not sure how to make this right at the moment but we will try to figure it out. We are truly sorry for any hurt of offense this has caused.”

Nelson then reportedly deactivated the business’ Facebook page for two hours, only to reactivate it with a bizarre new post.

“As the deterioration of our nation and freedoms as we have enjoyed over the decades begin to dwindle away… I snapped,” he said. “My sincere apologies to anyone that seen the post.”

Despite his online mea culpa, the business owner’s original rant caused a stir with at least one other Pronto Pup franchisee.

“Good Evening Everyone!” Pronto Pup Grand Rapids posted on Facebook Monday. “Just a friendly reminder we want to make sure everyone knows we are in no way affiliated with any other Pronto Pup restaurant or food truck.

“We are our own separate entity that uses the exact same batter as every other Pronto Pup restaurant or food truck.”