
Cops arrest man for alleged wooden board attack on Post reporter

An Occupy City Hall protester has been arrested on assault charges in the alleged board attack on a Post reporter, police said Tuesday.

Daniel Mayo, 32, of Jamaica, Queens, was hauled into custody early Tuesday after he was caught on camera whacking the journalist, Kevin Sheehan, in the face with the wooden board at City Hall Park, according to police sources.

The alleged assault happened in front of dozens of NYPD officers Sunday morning as Sheehan used his phone to film the protesters from a public street.

Sheehan’s recording shows Mayo reaching over a metal barrier to swing the piece of wood at his phone several times, while snarling “Put the f–king camera down!” Sheehan was struck in the face and his phone was knocked to the pavement.

Mayo was picked up inside City Hall Park after 1 a.m., police said.

Other protesters scuffled with cops during his arrest, with one demonstrator slugging an officer in the face before fleeing, police said. That cop suffered a cut to his face.

He was charged with assault, cops said.