
Amazon tells warehouse workers they can take extra time to wash hands

Amazon’s New York warehouse workers can take extra time to wash their hands during the coronavirus pandemic without being punished, the company said.

Employees at the e-commerce juggernaut’s Staten Island facility recently received an email telling them that they won’t be disciplined for not hitting their productivity goals, following months of protests and a lawsuit surrounding allegedly dangerous conditions at its plant.

Amazon said the message — which, according to a Bloomberg report, was also posted in warehouse bathrooms — was meant to clarify a policy that Amazon claims had been implemented in March when the pandemic first hit New York City.

But the workers suing Amazon over its “oppressive and dangerous” policies claim they were never told about the new rules, and have been skipping safety measures like frequent hand-washing in order to ship out more packages.

“I have continued to work as fast as I did before the outbreak of COVID-19, and I have continued to do things like rush back to my workstation following breaks or skip trips to the bathroom to wash my hands, in order to keep my rate up and to limit my TOT,” employee Derrick Palmer said, using the acronym for “time off task.”

Amazon declined to comment on the situation at the Staten Island warehouse, instead pointing to its heavy investments in workplace safety measures.

The company in April announced that it would spend its entire $4 billion operating profit on improving safety, with the investments going toward buying personal protective equipment for Amazon’s hundreds of thousands of workers, “enhanced cleaning” of its facilities, higher wages for hourly workers as well as “hundreds of millions” of dollars for Amazon to develop its coronavirus testing capabilities.

Shares of Amazon were down 0.8 percent in Tuesday morning trading, at $3,080.15. The stock is up more than 80 percent since the beginning of the pandemic, which has forced millions of Americans to stay home and rely on Amazon for their shopping needs.