US News

Italian hospital in Bergamo coronavirus-free for first time in 137 days

The intensive care unit of an Italian hospital devastated by the coronavirus is finally COVID-19-free.

The Papa Giovanni XXIII, the main hospital in Bergamo, on Wednesday reported no virus patients in its ICU for the first time in 137 days — since the first patient was admitted on Feb. 23, according to Italian news agency ANSA.

Bergamo’s surrounding province of Lombardy in northern Italy accounted for half of the country’s coronavirus deaths as the virus ravaged the area.

When the news was announced in the hospital, staff held a minute-long moment of silence for the victims of the pandemic before celebrating with a long round of applause “because we all deserved it,” said Luca Lorini, director of the hospital’s emergency department, according to ABC News.

“We dreamed of this goal and worked for such a long time to reach it,” Lorini added.

The several remaining patients who had fought the coronavirus have now tested negative, according to the hospital.

After the country was badly overwhelmed by the virus, Italy managed to get infections under control in late March, with new cases drastically declining since.

On Wednesday, Italy reported 193 new infections — far fewer than the United States, where officials are grappling with the worst rate of infections since the pandemic began.

The US reported 58,600 cases Wednesday, the second-highest number of daily new infections after Tuesday when the country recorded more than 60,000 new cases in a singe 24-hour window.