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Kazakhstan beachgoers beat seal unconscious so kids could take photos

A seal was beaten the point of unconsciousness by a group of men at a Kazakhstan beach — so kids could take pictures with it, according to a report.

The helpless mammal was swimming in the Caspian Sea in Kuryk when the men launched their attack, the Daily Mail reported.

Video of the disturbing assault shows the men beating the seal with long sticks near the shoreline, and another man hoisting a large rock above his head.

Local media reports said the attack continued until the animal lost consciousness, the Mail reported.

“They beat the seal up until it passed out. Then they pulled it out of the water so that children could take pictures and have fun,” a witness said in one of the reports. “After that, they threw the motionless body back into the sea. I don’t know if it survived.”

The animal attack comes the same week people tossed rocks at another seal swimming the water. Video of that incident was posted by Kazakh model Yevgeniya Mukasheva.

Caspian seals are listed as an endangered species.