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Portland police union blames riots on city officials: ‘Condemn the violence’

Portland’s police union ripped public officials for enabling rioters to destroy the city, as demonstrators once again taunted cops Tuesday night.

In a post titled “This Cannot Continue,” Portland Police Association president Daryl Turner called on elected officials to “stand up and defend Portland.”

“Condemn the violence and the burning, looting, and destruction of property,” Turner said. “Trust and support the decisions made by law enforcement leaders who simply want to keep the residents, business owners, and peaceful protestors safe.”

Black Lives Matter protests have been held in Portland for more than a month following the police-involved death of George Floyd. The demonstrations, however, have frequently turned violent amid clashes between police, protesters and members of the anti-fascist group Antifa.

Looters also ravaged businesses in downtown Portland in late May.

Turner said police have endured verbal and physical abuse for far too long.

“As riots continue, it is obvious to everyone that this is no longer about George Floyd, social justice, or police reform,” he said. “This is about a group of individuals intent on causing injury, chaos, and destruction by rioting, looting, starting fires, throwing rocks, bottles, mortars, urine, and feces at peaceful protestors, as well as the police.

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Police confront demonstrators as Black Lives Matter supporters demonstrate in Portland, Oregon
Police confront demonstrators as Black Lives Matter supporters demonstrate in Portland, Oregon.Getty Images
Police arrest demonstrators as Black Lives Matter supporters demonstrate in Portland, Orego
Police arrest demonstrators as Black Lives Matter supporters demonstrate in Portland, Oregon.Getty Images

“These violent criminal acts have gone on for almost 40 days nonstop, while the men and women of the Portland Police Bureau and its partner agencies have shown amazing restraint in the face of the most divisive time this country has seen in modern history.”

Turner’s letter concluded, “Keep Portlanders safe and free from rioting, while honoring their First Amendment rights. Support police leadership. Support officers. Tell those who are intent on burning and looting our great City that they are not welcome here. Put Portland first.”

Demonstrations were largely peaceful Tuesday night, as crowds gathered to pay tribute to Summer Taylor, the 24-year-old protester who died after being hit by a speeding car Saturday in Seattle, Oregon Live reported. At one point, a fight broke out among protesters, prompting police to respond and fire two loud munitions.

Video from the scene shows protesters squaring off with heavily armed police officers.

Groups had planned a “peaceful sit-in” Tuesday night as well as a “Night of Rage for Summer Taylor.”