
LAPD investigates whether July 4th spike in sick calls was ‘blue flu’ protest

The Los Angeles Police Department saw an unusual spike in officers calling in sick over the Fourth of July weekend, and officials are probing whether it was a case of the “blue flu” — an orchestrated protest among fed-up cops, according to a new report.

Los Angeles — like some other cities across the nation — has seen unprecedented protests over police killings of black people, and the city council recently agreed to slash the department’s budget by $150 million.

Meanwhile, a letter — obtained by the Los Angeles Times — circulated among the rank and file last week encouraging cops to protect their own interests.

“They succeeded in defunding the police; what do you think is next? Our pay? Our benefits? Our pensions?” said the letter. “You’re God Damn right all those things are in jeopardy now. We have to send the city a clear message that we are not expendable and we are not going to take this crap anymore.”

Then, over the holiday weekend, up to 300 officers called in sick in what department insiders suspect was a case of the “blue flu,” sources told the Times.

Certain anti-gang units saw everyone or nearly everyone calling in sick at once, according to the sources.

LAPD Chief Michel Moore told the paper the ongoing coronavirus crisis — and rising cases within the department — could be to blame, but he also acknowledged signs that particular officers and units may have called in as part of an organized effort.

“Rather than jumping to conclusions and indicting and impugning the integrity of our rank and file, I’m asking that we explore this,” he told the outlet. “We want to find the facts out before we start making sweeping judgments.”

Moore added that anyone who knowingly participated in such an effort would be guilty of misconduct and punished, though he did not have a timeline as to when the internal probe would be completed.

He said the department staffed up heavily ahead of time because previous Fourth of July weekends had been busy, so he was able to divert officers as others called in sick.

Moore added that he was aware of calls for an organized “blue flu” sick day, but that was not his reason for staffing up, according to the paper.

The city saw a spike in homicides and shootings over the weekend and an increase in illegal fireworks complaints — though no one has suggested that the increased sick calls are to blame, according to the report.

Meanwhile, Najee Ali, a longtime civil rights activist in South LA, where many cops called in sick, suggested that the officers intended to punish those who had been advocating for police funding to be reallocated elsewhere.

“It has not gone unnoticed by the residents,” Ali told the paper. “It highlights the lack of character and integrity of those who are supposed to serve the community. They are the ones jeopardizing public safety.”

The Los Angeles Police Protective League, which represents rank-and-file officers on labor issues, said it sent an email to its members urging them not to participate in the protest action.

“We have heard some unsubstantiated rumors of a potential ‘Blue Flu’ where officers would coordinate to call in sick for the same day. We urge you to not take this action,” the league wrote in an email obtained by the paper.

“The Board of Directors of the Los Angeles Police Protective League unequivocally condemns any attempt to engage in a ‘Blue Flu.’ It is wrong, it is illegal, and it is contrary to the oath we all took as police officers to protect our community.”