
ESPN rebuffed Mike Golic’s push to revive ‘Mike & Mike’: wife

Even a “Mike & Mike” reunion wasn’t appealing enough for ESPN to keep Mike Golic on the radio.

Shortly after The Post reported that ESPN was canceling “Golic & Wingo,” ending a 20-year working relationship with the former football player, Golic’s wife, Christine, said her husband proposed rejoining his longtime former co-host, Mike Greenberg, but was rebuffed by the network.

After a fan on Twitter said Greenberg needs a new partner, Christine responded (via Outkick the Coverage): “It was offered. No takers.”

Golic and Greenberg had an acrimonious split as the latter Mike made his push towards TV in 2017, landing the coveted role as the lead host of “Get Up!” Greenberg is now heading back to the radio with “The Mike Greenberg Show” from noon to 2 p.m. Any attempt to do a morning radio show would have conflicted with Greenberg’s TV work.

Golic was on vacation this week when news broke, but he made an appearance on his show Wednesday morning to discuss the situation.

“I go away on vacation, what the hell happens? Oh my God. I come back and all of a sudden there’s an expiration date,” Golic said, while laughing. “We know what’s going on, obviously, with the announcement (Tuesday). Our last show is gonna be July 31. It certainly was not my choice. I would’ve loved to have kept doing the show, but listen, I didn’t want to be cut by the Houston Oilers. I didn’t want to be cut by the Miami Dolphins. Sometimes what you want and what happens isn’t the same.

“I appreciate what’s been going on on Twitter, and the outpouring of positive thoughts. Certainly not everybody, and that’s fine. You can’t please everybody. It’s been incredible what I’ve heard from people out there and I do appreciate that.”

Golic, 57, didn’t address his future, other than his desire to remain in sports media. His contract with ESPN is up after this year.

“I’m not retiring. I’m too young to retire. My wife won’t let me,” Golic said. “I’m back Monday and I’ll be back until July 31. I’ll talk more about it then, what I’m going to do. I’m still going to stay in the business. This was management’s choice to do it. Just like coaches, they have every right to do what they want to do. I would love to keep doing it, but not in the cards right now. We’ll see where it goes.”