
Empty classrooms could put kids at emotional risk, therapist says

Keeping kids out of the classroom can deprive them of structure and hamper their learning of not just academics but key social cues, a city-based child therapist told The Post.

“Kids thrive with a regular routine,” said Ari Fox, who is also the founder and director of Cope With School NYC. “Consistency is important.”

The switch to full-time home learning necessitated during the last school year by the coronavirus has worked for some students, but others — particularly those with less access to technology — have gotten the short end of the stick, according to Fox.

“A good number of kids are falling behind,” said Fox. “Some kids don’t learn with this format.”

While the potential return to at least some in-person learning in the fall could help, Fox said that it can’t fully take the place of a five-day-a-week classroom experience — particularly in helping school kids grow and mature socially.

“The playground politics is very important and learning how to navigate social situations,” said Fox. “That’s the learning. You’re learning to navigate social interactions.”

In a June 25 guidance, the American Academy of Pediatrics said that, while common sense precautions should be taken to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, kids learn best in classrooms.