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Doggy deliveries help Colombians shop during coronavirus pandemic

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Eros eats carrots gifted to him by a man he recognizes as "El Papito," a tip for bringing a basket of food from the El Porvenir mini-market in Medellin, Colombia, Tuesday, July 7, 2020.
Eros eats carrots gifted to him by a man he recognizes as "El Papito," a tip for bringing a basket of food from the El Porvenir mini-market in Medellin, Colombia, Tuesday, July 7, 2020. AP
Eros carries a basket of bread from the El Porvenir mini-market as he makes a delivery on his own in Medellin, Colombia, Tuesday, July 7, 2020.
Eros carries a basket of bread from the El Porvenir mini-market as he makes a delivery on his own in Medellin, Colombia, Tuesday, July 7, 2020.AP
Eros carries a basket with bread as he leaves the El Porvenir mini-market to make a delivery on his own in Medellin, Colombia, Tuesday, July 7, 2020.
Eros carries a basket of bread from the El Porvenir mini-market as he makes a delivery on his own in Medellin, Colombia, Tuesday, July 7, 2020.
Eros carries a basket of bread from the El Porvenir mini-market as he makes a delivery on his own in Medellin, Colombia, Tuesday, July 7, 2020.

MEDELLIN, Colombia — Eight-year-old Eros trots through the streets of this hilly city several times a day with a straw basket in his jaws, taking vegetables, fruit and packaged foods to customers of the El Porvenir mini-market. The chocolate Labrador retriever is paid with treats and massages of his furry head.

“He helps us to maintain social distancing,” says Eros’ owner Maria Natividad Botero. “And people love it when we send the dog.”

Eros wasn’t always a star. He was accepted into the family begrudgingly by Botero after repeated requests by her son to adopt a dog.

But Botero and the rest of the family quickly fell in love with the pup. And when they opened a mini market four years ago in the hilltop neighborhood of Tulipanes, he started to accompany Botero and her kids to make deliveries.

Eros doesn’t know how to read addresses. But he remembers the names of customers who have previously rewarded him with treats. And with some practice, he has learned to go to their houses on his own.