US News

Arizona ‘Karen’ with ‘$40,000 Rolex’ trashes face mask display in Target

An Arizona woman, dubbed the latest “Karen” by social media, filmed herself destroying a face mask display inside a Target store over the weekend.

In the footage, Melissa Rein Lively, who runs a public relations company in Scottsdale, can be heard going on an explosive rant as she points the camera at a display of protective face coverings.

“Finally we meet the end of the road. I’ve been looking forward to this s–t all my f–king life,” says Lively in the video, which has been viewed 5.9 million times.

The woman approaches the display of masks that are sealed in plastic bags and others displayed with no wrapping.

She slams the masks from the display onto the floor while saying, “So, Target, I’m not playing anymore f—ing games. This s–t  is f—ing over.”

She repeats, “This s–t’s over,” then says “Yeah, wooh!”

Two Target employees appear, and one can be heard saying, “Excuse me, ma’am.” The employee is quickly interrupted by Lively, who says, “This is over.”

She asks them, “Why? You let everybody else do it … I can’t do it because I’m a blond white woman? That’s wearing a f—ing $40,000 Rolex.”

A second video, also recorded on Instagram Live and which has been viewed 2.6 million times, showed the aftermath of the Target mask debacle: Police officers are seen inside Lively’s garage.

When the officers confront Lively, she informs them she’s a spokesperson for the White House and she can’t share “classified information.”

Melissa Rein Lively, left, filmed herself destroying a face mask display inside a Target store, right.Twitter

She added, “I was hired to be the QAnon spokesperson.”

“You’re a spokesperson, correct? … I think we have enough here,” says an officer.

Lively is told to “turn around” and begins yelling, “You’re doing this to me ’cause I’m Jewish” and “This is a Nazi f—king game.”

The recording stops there, and it’s unclear if Lively was arrested.

The Arizona health department reported 3,536 new coronavirus cases and four deaths Sunday.