
NJ Gov. Phil Murphy: Make face masks ‘national requirement’

New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy said Sunday there should be a “national requirement” that everyone wear face masks amid the coronavirus.

“It’s become almost not even debatable,” the governor told NBC TV’s “Meet the Press.” “Certainly when you’re going out and absolutely indoors. As I mentioned, this virus is a lot more lethal inside than outside. But if you’re leaving your house, put on a mask. I think it ought to be a national, a national requirement.”

Many states, including New Jersey, require face masks in stores, as well as outdoors when proper social distancing can’t be maintained. At least some states that previously hadn’t required masks indoors are now seeing a spike in cases.

In Texas, residents still are only required to wear masks in public places in counties with 20 or more current COVID-19 cases, while North Carolina allows those under age 11 to not wear masks.

New York City has had to put some of its reopening plans on hold — including indoor restaurant dining — because of concern over coronavirus surges in other states. New Jersey also delayed indoor dining.

“We went through hell. We cannot afford to go through hell again,” Murphy told NBC.

“We need a national strategy now, and masking has to be the core of that,” he added.