Maureen Callahan

Maureen Callahan


Ghislaine Maxwell needs to spare the ‘poor little rich girl’ act

What are we thinking for props? A walker, à la Harvey? A cane like Cosby?

Since Ghislaine Maxwell so clearly adores older men who rape and exploit, it seems logical she’ll hobble her way into court as those two did, claiming a sudden onset of chronic illness.

After all, the publicity spin has already begun. Less than 48 hours after Maxwell’s arrest, friends — seriously, who at this moment is OK with being a friend of this monster? — began squawking to the media.

Poor Ghislaine, they’re saying. Forget about the untold number of children and teenage girls she’s alleged to have lured, groomed, sex-trafficked and allegedly raped along with her onetime boyfriend Jeffrey Epstein and Epstein’s global network of wealthy and powerful men.

No, Ghislaine’s the real victim here. A poor little rich girl all of 30 years old, new to America after her adored daddy died in 1991, the family fortune vanished.

“She used to sit and cry on her sofa and say, ‘They even took the silver spoons,’ ” one friend told The Post.

You couldn’t make it up.

“A damaged, broken girl” is this same friend’s depiction of Maxwell, whom Epstein mercilessly “brainwashed, controlled.”

Brainwashing, controlling, taking: These are words that should only describe the real victims here, the children Maxwell allegedly hunted and procured for Epstein’s sex-trafficking ring — the youngest reportedly 14 — over a span of decades.

But by all means, let’s keep hearing about what a victim Ghislaine Maxwell is. How she had the misfortune to fall in love with Jeffrey Epstein and how powerless she was under the intoxicating spell of this pedophile and serial child rapist.

“I know that she would have died to marry him,” a Maxwell pal told Vanity Fair. “She would have done anything for him. He trumped everybody and everything.”

Ladies — who among us can’t relate?

And since Maxwell only ever wanted Epstein to love her — impossible when your boyfriend is into children — she would put up with all sorts of abuse. She was Epstein’s beard at high-society galas, his age-appropriate arm candy, while behind closed doors she was allegedly nothing more than a pimp. He was only ever interested in sex with her if a child was involved.

Poor Ghislaine!

And lest you think her year on the lam was any fun — oh no. Ghislaine Maxwell, would you believe, received death threats.

What kind is unclear, we’re told. Just believe that this is the truth and feel sorry for her.

“It’s not a specific threat,” her unnamed friend told Vanity Fair. “It’s the volume of threats. These are credible threats. That’s a term that law enforcement uses — credible threats. So you take appropriate action.”

If only Maxwell could have turned to . . . law enforcement.

Now that she’s finally in federal custody, let’s refuse Maxwell the last refuge of the scoundrel: donning the mantle of victimhood. If anything is sacred in this case, it is victimhood.

As survivor Annie Farmer told a federal judge in New York, two weeks after Epstein’s suicide, Maxwell and Epstein “not only assaulted [my sister Maria], but as we’ve heard from so many of the brave women here today, they stole her dreams and her livelihood.”

Yes. Here’s what else Maxwell is said to have stolen from children and girls: the ability to ever feel safe again or to trust their own judgment. She stole their normal sexual development. She made sex not about love but about shame and depravity. Maxwell allegedly reduced these children into pieces of property for powerful men to degrade as they wished.

She weaponized her gender to lure these girls. Mothers often tell their young children that if they’re ever lost, find a woman. Why? Because if a child needs help from a stranger, they are statistically safer seeking out a woman.

Ghislaine Maxwell, as we know, loved lost children for all the wrong reasons.

As one survivor said in the Netflix documentary “Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich,” one of Maxwell’s favorite games was to place a girl in front of an older man and say, “How old do you think she is?”

Ghislaine Maxwell, friend to presidents and potentates, is now spinning her sad tale of woe as the perpetual plus one, price of admission her dignity.

Consider this other salient detail, leaked from her camp: If Maxwell cuts a plea deal, she will never give up Prince Andrew.

“She’s always told me that she would never, ever say anything about him,” Maxwell’s friend Laura Goldman told the Guardian.

Does this sound like someone with an iota of remorse?

Much like her old friend Harvey Weinstein, who leaked stories of his own “victimhood” pretrial, next to come will surely be an exclusive interview: What We Don’t Know About the World’s Most Wanted Woman.

In keeping with Maxwell’s pathetic existence in the shadow of terrible men, all that’s left to know has nothing to do with her.

She’s only good for the men she can name and shame, and the world will then be well rid of her.