US News

Giuliani: Black Lives Matter is a Marxist group ‘planning to destroy police’

Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani said Wednesday that Black Lives Matter is a “Marxist organization” that “has been planning to destroy the police for three years.”

The Republican and lawyer for President Trump told reporters at the White House he’s outraged by Mayor Bill de Blasio’s decision to paint “Black Lives Matter” on Fifth Avenue near Trump Tower.

“Black Lives Matter is a Marxist organization run by three avowed Marxists — go check. Black Lives Matter has been planning to destroy the police for three years. They’ve finally gotten stupid Democrat mayors to agree with them,” Giuliani said.

The former mayor, remembered for “cleaning up” the city between 1994 and 2001, said de Blasio and other Democrats are responsible for lawlessness.

“Right now murder is up 58 percent under the regressive Democrat mayor who is typical of Democrat mayors all over the country. They are a disaster. They are a danger to their people,” he said.

De Blasio is moving to cut $1 billion from the NYPD operating budget and another half-billion from its capital budget in response to nationwide protests against the killing of George Floyd by Minnesota police.

Black Lives Matter is both a diverse social movement and the name of a national organization — whose leaders include co-founder Patrisse Cullors, who described herself and fellow co-founder Alicia Garza as “trained Marxists.”

Giuliani is an unpaid attorney to Trump and did not say what he was doing at the White House.

But he blasted Trump’s Democratic challenger Joe Biden as mentally unfit for office and attacked a New York Times story that alleged Russia offered bounties to Taliban fighters to kill Americans.

“There was nothing you could do about it until it’s verified. I mean, Joe Biden would act on it. But Joe Biden remember isn’t all there. He’s not working with a full deck. If you don’t see that, there’s something wrong with you. If you don’t see that the man is cognitively impaired,” he said.

Giuliani mocked Biden’s press conference Tuesday, saying: “Yesterday during his interview he took long pauses when answering questions and he had a teleprompter. He’s having trouble reading, not just thinking.”

The source of the story is “some kind of a felon in the federal government” and a “deep state criminal” who leaked raw intelligence before it could be verified, Giuliani said.

“I can’t think of a worse crime,” the one-time US attorney said. “He should be caught and he should go to jail for 20 to 30 years.”