US News

North Korea says only option is to ‘counter nuclear with nuclear’ against US

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Kim Jong Un
Kim Jong UnAFP via Getty Images
Anti-war activists shout slogans during a press conference to demand the peace on the Korean peninsula on the eve of the 70th anniversary of the outbreak of the Korean War.
Anti-war activists shout slogans during a press conference to demand peace on the Korean peninsula on the eve of the 70th anniversary of the outbreak of the Korean War.AP

North Korea claimed Thursday that, in the face of “hostile policy” by the US, it had no choice but to counter “nuclear with nuclear” — an announcement that came on the 70th anniversary of the start of the Korean War.

“In order to eliminate the nuclear threats from the U.S., the DPRK government made all possible efforts either through dialogue or in resort to the international law, but all ended in vain,” according to a 5,500-word report issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Institute for Disarmament and Peace, which refers to North Korea by its official name, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.

“The option left was only one, and that was to counter nuclear with nuclear,” it said, adding that a “strong war deterrent for national defense came to stand out as an indispensable strategic option.”

Noting the US’ “pathological and inveterate hostile policy,” the report, released on state-run media, said the hermit kingdom will continue to bolster its strength “to contain the persistent nuclear threats from the US.”

The Trump administration and Kim Jong Un’s regime embarked on a series of talks to curb North Korea’s nuclear ambitions, but they failed to reach a binding agreement.

North Korea has responded by firing off short-range missile tests, blowing up a liaison office and cutting communication lines with South Korea.

Pyongyang said Wednesday it had suspended unspecified military action against Seoul.

South Korean President Moon Jae-in, speaking at a ceremony to honor the war dead, urged North Korea to finally seek peace and said he has no intention of forcing his political or economic systems on Pyongyang.

“We will continuously search for routes that are mutually beneficial for both Koreas through peace,” he said. “Before speaking of unification, I hope that we can become friendly neighbors first.”

The 1950-1953 war ended in an armistice rather than a peace treaty, meaning the conflict technically continues.

South Korea did not sign the armistice.

A war veteran from South Korea was pessimistic about the prospects for peace.

“The war isn’t really over and I don’t think peace will come while I’m still alive,” said Kim Yeong-ho, 89. “The nightmares just keep coming back to me every day.”