
Judge rejects suit seeking to block memoir by Trump’s niece

A Queens judge on Thursday threw out a suit that sought to block publication of a tell-all memoir by President Trump’s niece.

Surrogate’s Court Judge Peter Kelly ruled that the case — brought by Trump’s younger brother, Robert — involved a legal matter over which he didn’t have jurisdiction.

“Insofar as the petition seeks a declaratory judgment, this forum is presumptively improper as such relief should be obtained by means of an action in the Supreme Court and not a special proceeding in this court,” Kelly wrote in a four-page decision.

Mary’s book, “Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man,” is set to be published by Simon & Schuster on July 28.

In it, she will reportedly reveal herself as a key source for reports published by the New York Times about the president’s finances.

Kelly’s ruling followed an unrelated decision by a judge in Washington, DC, who on Saturday rejected a bid by the Justice Department to block publication of a memoir by former Trump national security adviser John Bolton that’s highly critical of the president.

In the Queens suit, Robert Trump claimed that niece Mary Trump — the daughter of his and the president’s late older brother — was barred from spilling the family’s secrets under terms of a 2001 deal to settle litigation over the estate of Trump family patriarch Fred Trump Sr.

Lawyer Charles Harder, who represents Robert Trump, said the suit was filed Tuesday in Queens Surrogate’s Court because that’s where the family had agreed to bring any future disputes.

In the wake of Kelly’s ruling, he said, “Robert Trump will proceed with filing a new lawsuit in the New York State Supreme Court.”

Simon & Schuster, which also published Bolton’s book, said in a statement that it is “delighted with Judge Kelly’s decision to dismiss this case from the Surrogate Court.”

“We look forward to publishing Mary L. Trump’s ‘Too Much and Never Enough,’ and are confident we will prevail should there be further efforts to stifle this publication,” the statement continued.