
Biden leads in key battleground states, Fox News poll shows

WASHINGTON — Joe Biden continues to lead President Trump in the traditionally ruby red states of Texas, Georgia, North Carolina and Florida, a new Fox News poll has found.

The poll released Thursday evening shows the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee ahead in Trump’s adopted home state of Florida by 9 points, 49-40 percent, and follows a string of surveys which showed Trump trailing in battleground states.

That’s an increase of three points since the last Fox News survey of registered Florida voters in April, with Biden enjoying overwhelming support from women, millennials, black and Hispanic voters in the Sunshine State.

Biden, 77, is also ahead in Texas by the razor thin margin of one point and leads in Georgia and North Carolina by two points, the poll found.

These are all states won by Trump in 2016 but Democrats are increasingly hopeful they can flip North Carolina and Florida.

The president’s re-election campaign has been plagued by polling which consistently shows Biden ahead both nationally and in key battleground states.

However, polls were inaccurate before the 2016 election and underestimated support for Trump, 74, in the states of Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin which he went on to win, shaking confidence in pollsters.

Another Fox News poll released last week showed Biden was widening his lead over the president as his administration confronted the coronavirus crisis, the economic fallout caused by the pandemic, and historic civil unrest sparked by the death of George Floyd.