
Andrew Cuomo’s ridiculous order for out-of-staters to quarantine

Anyone coming to New York from a state with a spiking coronavirus infection rate is required to voluntarily self-quarantine — and mandatory “volunteering” is only the most obvious absurdity here.

This is classic Andrew Cuomo, right down to the fig leaf provided by the Connecticut and New Jersey govs issuing the same order — but with no pretense they’ll enforce it.

Just two months ago, Gov. Cuomo nearly declared war on Rhode Island after its governor announced similar rules for travelers from New York. But with the shoe on the other foot, he’s still moralizing.

“We have to make sure the virus doesn’t come in on a plane again,” Cuomo sniffed at a press briefing. If that’s the goal, why not do testing or temp checks of every arrival?

But Cuomo wants to play tough — indeed, to play Big Brother: “You fly into New York, we’ll have your name, we’ll know where you’re supposed to be staying,” Cuomo told CNN. “There’ll be random checks,” and “we’ll have inspectors who are randomly looking at names on the [flight lists] and following up to make sure you’re quarantining. And if you’re not, then you’re in violation of the law, and you will have a mandatory quarantine, and you’ll be fined” — $10,000.

How many resources will the state throw into that wild-goose chase? Enough to find a few sacrificial lambs, perhaps, but not enough to win broad compliance.

This is blatantly about his feud with Florida: For years, Cuomo’s been jousting with Sunshine State govs about everything from taxes to business climate to pandemic policy.

He’s particularly sore that Florida did a far better job of protecting nursing-home patients from the coronavirus than New York. So now that Florida’s seeing rising COVID-19 rates, Cuomo pounces.

Yet he’s opened one big loophole: Major League Baseball players get exempted from the quarantine order, with Health Commissioner Howard Zucker ordered to find a way to let them play. Which is easy enough, since MLB plans heavy testing of players for everyone’s safety.

But “I was tested” won’t be enough for any regular citizen who happens to fall afoul of the gov’s trackers.

It adds up to a lot of nastiness just so Cuomo can score points in a grudge match.