
Swimmer catches shark with bare hands, holds its mouth open for shocked beachgoers

A man swimming at a Cape Henlopen State Park beach in Delaware over the weekend caught a large shark with his bare hands and posed for photos, a video obtained by TMZ shows.

The man in knee-deep water drags the shark by its tail, then holds it under his left arm.

He then grabs the creature by its nose and pries open its mouth for more than five seconds.

As the man displays the shark, several people on the shore including children watched the spectacle.

A woman can be heard saying, “Oh my god, that’s a big a– shark.”

Other people can be heard laughing and giggling at the sight.

The man eventually lets the shark loose, and the video cuts off before revealing what happens to the creature.

In Delaware, fishermen are required to return sharks to the ocean.

The man may have gotten a one-of-a-kind photo op, but engaging with a shark can be harmful to the animal and risky and deadly to the human.

Weeks earlier on June 4, a 12-year-old boy surfing off Herring Point by the same state park suffered puncture wounds to a leg, according to WPVI-TV.

The wounds were reported as a shark bite and further reviewed by the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control.

Beaches at the state park were closed shortly after the incident.

The department told the TV station that shark attacks are “rare” and that the only known shark bite at the state park beach took place in June 2014.