
Senate Intelligence Committee wants to make UFO reports public

WASHINGTON — Lawmakers on the Senate Intelligence Committee want the American people to see the government’s reports on UFOs, warning that not enough is known about the “potential threat,” according to a new report.

Members of the committee voted on Tuesday to require the nation’s intelligence agencies and defense department to compile and release a public analysis of all of the data they have on “unidentified aerial phenomenon” encountered by US soldiers, Politico reported.

“The Committee remains concerned that there is no unified, comprehensive process within the federal government for collecting and analyzing intelligence on unidentified aerial phenomena, despite the potential threat,” lawmakers wrote in a report.

“The Committee understands that the relevant intelligence may be sensitive; nevertheless, the Committee finds that the information sharing and coordination across the Intelligence Community has been inconsistent, and this issue has lacked attention from senior leaders,” they added.

The provision included in the annual intelligence authorization bill needs to be passed by the full Senate but sets up an unusual debate about alien and extraterrestrial life in the halls of Congress.

The move comes after senators on the panel last year received a classified briefing from the Pentagon outlining a series of encounters that Navy aircraft had with unidentified aircraft.

Videos of the bizarre encounters taken by US Navy officers were made public in April.

President Trump in an interview on Thursday said he’d heard “interesting” things about Roswell, the New Mexico city famed for its UFO activity, but said he didn’t believe in extra terrestrial life.

“I won’t talk to you about what I know about it, but it’s very interesting,” he told son Donald Trump Jr. in a Father’s Day interview hosted by his reelection campaign.

“People are saying they’re seeing UFOs. Do I believe it? Not particularly,” he added.