
Sarah Huckabee Sanders: John Bolton was ‘drunk on power’ at the White House

WASHINGTON — Former national security adviser John Bolton was “drunk on power” during his time in the White House — acting like a diva on overseas trips and clashing with other officials, according to an upcoming tell-all book from former press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

Bolton was unpopular with other Trump administration officials even before his new book, “The Room Where It Happened,” out Tuesday, according to Sanders’ new memoir, previewed in an Axios report published Monday.

“Bolton was a classic case of a senior White House official drunk on power, who had forgotten that nobody elected him to anything,” Sanders writes, recounting President Trump’s visit to London last year.

“Often Bolton acted like he was the president, pushing an agenda contrary to President Trump’s,” she added, per the report.

In her book, “Speaking For Myself,” the former press secretary recounts how an “arrogant and selfish” Bolton refused to travel with other staff on the London trip, leading to a fiery exchange with then-acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney.

“Bolton apparently felt too important to travel with the rest of us,” she writes. “As we were ready to depart for the Winfield House we loaded onto a small black bus,” she continued, referring to the US ambassador’s residence in London.

“We waited and watched as Bolton sped by and left us in the dust. The discussion on the bus quickly moved … to how arrogant and selfish Bolton could be, not just in this moment but on a regular basis,” she continues.

Back at the US ambassador’s residence, Mulvaney, who was relieved of his chief of staff duties by Trump in March, upbraided Bolton, Sanders claims.

“When we finally arrived at the Winfield House, Mick Mulvaney, typically laid-back and not one to get caught up in titles or seniority, confronted Bolton and unleashed a full Irish explosion on him,” Sanders writes.

Former White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders (left) and U.S. National Security Advisor John Bolton
Former White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders (center) and former national security adviser John Bolton (second from right)Getty Images

“Let’s face it, John, you’re a f—ing self-righteous, self-centered son of a bitch!'” said Mulvaney, who is now the US special envoy to Northern Ireland, according to Sanders.

The then-press secretary said the explosion was “the culmination of months of Bolton thinking he was more important and could play by a different set of rules than the rest of the team.”

The former national security adviser, whom Trump dismissed in September 2019, is spilling the beans on his time in the West Wing in his new book, which the White House unsuccessfully tried to block.

The book alleges the president pressed Chinese President Xi Jinping to help his re-election this November, among other unflattering anecdotes from the Oval Office about Trump’s leadership.

Trump has branded Bolton “a liar,” while Secretary of State Mike Pompeo blasted Bolton as “a traitor.” White House trade adviser Peter Navarro also described the volume as akin to “revenge porn.”