
Cuomo warns of second coronavirus wave when states reopen ‘politically’

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said there’s now fears of a second wave of coronavirus due to states bending to political pressure instead of reopening “intelligently.”

Cuomo said the federal government was to blame for pushing states into reopening too early, leading some regions to see larger outbreaks.

“There were voices that always wanted to minimize it: ‘This is just the flu.’ ‘It’s going to pass.'” Cuomo said on CBS “Sunday Morning.”

“And then there was a desire to reopen, reopen, reopen. And you know where we are now? Dow Jones tumbles again, fear of second wave. That’s what happens when you reopen and you don’t do it intelligently, you do it politically.”

New York City is set to enter stage two of its reopening Monday.

The governor said that he took accountability for the health crisis in New York “for better or worse.”

“This was a national crisis,” Cuomo said. “The federal government should step in aggressively and ‘own it.’ In my state, I owned the situation.”