US News

White counter-protester recovering after being saved by Black Lives Matter demonstrator

The white counter-protester seen in viral footage being carried to safety by a Black Lives Matter demonstrator is recovering from the ordeal — and his son suggested that the banged-up man would want to thank the martial arts expert for his heroics, according to a report.

Bryn Male, 55, a Millwall FC soccer fan, was captured on the shoulder of Patrick Hutchinson, a Muay Thai fighter who grabbed the apparent rival amid skirmishes in London on Saturday.

Hutchinson has said he made the move to avoid a “catastrophe” during the melee, where Male’s “life was in danger.”

A source told the Sun that the incident should be a wake-up call for Male, a delivery driver from Basingstoke, Hampshire — about 50 miles west-southwest of London — who should “grow up and act his age.”

Male’s 21-year-old son, Harry, told the news outlet that his father has a black eye.

Asked if his dad would want to thank Hutchinson, Harry said: “He probably would. Who wouldn’t?”

Male was among several hundred demonstrators who descended on London to protect statues, including Winston Churchill’s, from anti-racism protesters, the Sun reported.

Fights broke out and police were attacked during the demonstrations organized by far-right groups, including Britain First.

Male apparently was attacked near the Royal Festival Hall after he was separated from his pals, the outlet reported.

“Bryn’s a fanatical Millwall fan and is well known in that crowd. He’d always go up on the train for protest marches in London,” a source told the Sun.

Patrick Hutchinson, a black protester who carried a white man to safety during clashes on Saturday in London between anti-racism protesters and far-right opponents, poses with friends Chris Otokito, Jamaine Facey, Lee Russell and Pierre Noah
Patrick Hutchinson poses with friends Chris Otokito, Jamaine Facey, Lee Russell and Pierre Noah.

“I wasn’t surprised when I saw him on the news. He’d have had a skinful [been drunk]. It could have been a lot worse for him — he could have been killed.”

The source added: “That man who rescued him, Patrick, is a hero. He’s clearly a great guy and he just swooped and got him to safety and away from danger.”

Meanwhile, Hutchinson’s young daughters expressed their pride for their dad.

“I’m just happy that Daddy went and saved the man because he could have died and Daddy just went out there. Daddy did such a good job,” 8-year-old Kendal told the BBC.

Her 10-year-old sister, Sidena, added that it felt “really good” to see her father being praised for his compassion.

“My dad’s always been one who helps people when it’s needed,” she said.