
Trump campaign demands apology from CNN after heated Jenna Ellis interview

The Trump campaign is demanding an apology from CNN after host Brian Stelter got into a heated row with the campaign’s chief legal adviser during an appearance on the network.

The argument erupted during Jenna Ellis’ over 10-minute-long appearance on CNN’s “Reliable Sources” Sunday, during which she and Stelter could be heard scolding, yelling at and interrupting one another.

The issue at the root of their dispute was a CNN poll released last Monday that touted presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden being 14 points ahead of the incumbent Republican among registered voters.

Two days after the poll was released, the Trump campaign sent a letter co-signed by Ellis to the network demanding a retraction.

“It’s a stunt and a phony poll to cause voter suppression, stifle momentum and enthusiasm for the President,” the letter stated.

During her CNN appearance, Ellis repeatedly denounced the poll as “junk,” arguing that it could not be viewed with credibility when it chose to include adults who were not registered to vote.

The poll, however, only looked at the opinions of registered voters.

Ellis on Sunday accused the network of “putting out activism,” adding to the CNN host, “No pollster in the world would stand behind this as a legitimate poll, according to industry standards.”

“That’s a normal polling procedure,” Stelter said in his response, maintaining his defense of the integrity of the poll.

Trump attorney Jenna Ellis is interviewed by Brian Stelter on CNN

The argument continued to escalate, with Ellis asking Stelter at that point, “Are you just going to interrupt me this whole time?”

“It’s important to interrupt when you share fake information,” the CNN host said. “You’re wasting my time.”

Toward end of the interview, Stelter told Ellis she would one day feel guilt over the “slurs” she had made against the news media, arguing, “Someday, you‘re going to regret this when your kids and grandkids look back at this time.”

“This kind of on-air meltdown and lashing out is completely unprofessional, yet it’s what we’ve come to expect from the leftists who hate President Trump. It would be great if so-called journalists would refrain from personal attacks and putting words in the mouths of the children and grandchildren of strong, smart, and independent women,” Ali Pardo, the campaign’s deputy communications director, said in a statement after Ellis’ appearance.

“We condemn Brian Stelter’s behavior and call on CNN and Stelter to apologize,” she added.

The two went on to debate over a libel lawsuit filed earlier this year by the Trump campaign against CNN over an opinion piece that the campaign alleges contained false information.