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Lori Vallow talked about world ending, said ‘let’s all die together’: daughter’s friend

Doomsday-obsessed mom Lori Vallow spoke with her children about the end of the world and wanting to “all die together,” a friend of her daughter said in a new report.

Alexcia Law recounted how close she was to the family, saying she considered Vallow “like second mom” and grew up with her 17-year-old daughter, Tylee Ryan, Idaho outlet KUTV reported on Saturday.

“Lori would talk about the end of the world and the second coming all the time. And she would joke about it; she’d be like, ‘let’s go off a cliff,’ ” Law told the station.

“She’s like, ‘the world is going to end, let’s just die all together.’ And talk about running all of us off of a cliff together,” Law added.

Tylee’s remains, and those of her 7-year-old brother JJ Vallow, were found last week, buried on a property owned by Vallow’s husband Chad Daybell.  Daybell was taken into custody after the discovery and charged with destruction of evidence, while Vallow had been arrested in February for child desertion.

Law said she befriended the Vallows when they lived in Hawaii, and recalled how Lori, who was the children’s leader at their church, would often bake them oatmeal chocolate chip cookies.

“It is hard because I saw Lori as, like, my second mom,” Law told the station, adding that she dismissed her doomsday rantings as a joke.

Friends and family members have said Lori was an attentive mother to the two kids until she became involved with Daybell in a religious group called “Preparing a People.”

Law said she was heartbroken by what happened to the children — who went missing in September — and was also torn over Vallow being charged in her kids’ disappearance.

Law said she lost touch with the family after they relocated to Arizona, and she moved to Utah.

But she reconnected with Tylee after the teen’s dad, Charles Vallow, was shot dead by Lori’s brother Alex Cox in Phoenix, Arizona, last July amid a contentious divorce.

“I texted her, I was like, ‘I’m thinking about you and hope you’re OK.’ She was like, ‘I’m OK,’ and I never heard from her again. It was really sad,” Law said.