US News

George P. Bush warns protesters ‘don’t mess with The Alamo’

Texas Land Commissioner George P. Bush — the son of former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and grandson of former President George H.W. Bush — has warned Lone Star state protesters “Don’t mess with The Alamo.”

George P. Bush posted the message via Twitter Saturday after rumors floated around that demonstrators may target the historical San Antonio site, originally an 18th-century Spanish mission.

“The Alamo is the Shrine of Texas Liberty. And it will be defended,” Bush wrote, and added that his office was “closely watching the social media posts and rumors from protestors who are threatening to come to The Alamo.”

“Rest assured we have already deployed, for several weeks and will continue to do so, the Alamo Rangers in partnership with SAPD [San Antonio Police Department], The Department of Public Safety and The National Guard to protect this sacred site,” the post read.

Bush continued, “My message to the protestors is simple: Don’t mess with The Alamo.”

He then tweeted a photo showing a phalanx of law enforcement officials at the site.

Demonstrators have taken to the streets all across the nation in protest of the May 25 Minneapolis police killing of George Floyd — and have targeted a slew of historical sites and monuments, including those of Confederate-era figures.

Last month, the Alamo Cenotaph monument was defaced with downward arrows and the words “White Supremacy,” “Profit over People,” and “the Alamo,” according to KTSA News.

Protesters did wind up rallying at the Alamo on Saturday, but to protest against a plan to relocate the Alamo Cenotaph, KSAT reported.