US News

‘Blue Lives Murder’ T-shirts for sale on Amazon stir outrage

T-shirts emblazoned with the message “Blue Lives Murder” are for sale on Amazon — and the founder of Blue Lives Matter NYC is demanding they be taken down, arguing that the message puts officers’ lives at risk.

The shirts, manufactured by the company COTINAC, are being sold for $19.99 plus shipping, Amazon’s website shows.

Sgt. Joe Imperatrice said multiple people across the country have reached out to him, infuriated over the shirts.

He said he understands tensions are high following the police-involved death of George Floyd in Minneapolis — and the protests that ensued across the country. But shirts like these are just fueling the anti-cop fire, he argued.

“It shows that [Amazon is] bending over backwards for this movement like many other companies are. That’s not OK,” Imperatrice said. “People can’t be making shirts up, turning people against [cops]. It’s going to cost somebody, more than likely a police officer, their life.”

“It needs to be taken down immediately,” he added. “No reason to let something like this slip through the cracks. This is making people believe it’s OK to have this mentality and it’s not.”

Amazon did not immediately respond to a request for comment about the shirts.

Reviews posted on the Amazon webpage call the shirt “disgusting” and say it “promotes, incites and glorifies hatred.”

Floyd’s death on May 25 stirred up national outrage. Police officers were assaulted in several cities as demonstrations turned violent.

“We’ve got to be smarter than this,” Imperatrice said. “We have to be smarter than this rhetoric that police officers are all bad. [Officers are] taking abuse more than … the likes of any generation.”

Now-fired officer Derek Chauvin — seen on viral video with his knee on Floyd’s neckfaces a second-degree murder charge and the three other cops involved in the arrest have been charged with aiding and abetting.