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Minneapolis cops issue open letter condemning Derek Chauvin

A group of Minneapolis police officers have issued a public letter condemning the former cop charged in George Floyd’s death — and saying they are prepared to back their chief’s vow to overhaul the beleaguered department, according to a report.

The 14 officers addressed their letter, which they released Thursday, to “Dear Everyone — but especially Minneapolis citizens,” saying it represents how the “vast majority” of their fellow cops feel, the Star Tribune reported.

“We wholeheartedly condemn Derek Chauvin. We Are With You in the denouncement of Derek Chauvin’s actions on Memorial Day, 2020,” the letter reads.

“Like us, Derek Chauvin took an oath to hold the sanctity of life most precious. Derek Chauvin failed as a human and stripped George Floyd of his dignity and life. This is not who we are,” it continues.

“We Are With You and want to communicate a sentiment that is broad within our ranks. We ask that our voices be heard. We are leaders, formal and informal, and from all ranks within the Minneapolis Police Department,” the group goes on.

“We’re not the union or the administration. We are officers who represent the voices of hundreds of other Minneapolis Police Officers. Hundreds,” they write.

Police Chief Medaria Arradondo said this week that he was pulling out of contract negotiations with the city’s police union, adding that the department needs “transformational” reform and more authority to deal with rogue cops in the wake of Floyd’s death.

Derek Chauvin
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“We acknowledge that Chief Arradondo needs each of us to dutifully follow him while he shows us the way. We stand ready to listen and embrace the calls for change, reform and rebuilding,” the officers add.

“We want to work with you and for you to regain your trust.”

Chauvin, who was captured on video pressing his knee into Floyd’s neck on May 25, is charged with second-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter.

The letter makes no mention of three other officers who have been charged with aiding and abetting in the alleged murder. All four have been fired from the force.

Among the letter’s signees are Cmdr. Charlie Adams, who runs the department’s community engagement efforts; Lt. Mark Klukow, who provided security for former Mayor R.T. Rybak; and Lt. Rick Zimmerman, who runs the homicide unit, according to the news outlet.