US News

Viral granny in California called a serial racist: ‘Get the f–k out of this world’

A California woman unleashed a racist rant on an Asian woman exercising in a park this week — and targeted a man in a similar exchange posted a day after footage of the first incident went viral.

The first encounter happened at Wilson Park in Torrance Wednesday, as a young woman, identified by a friend as Sherry Berry — who is Filipino American — was recording her workout on a set of stairs.

An older woman walking down the stairs nearly bumped Berry as she passed — prompting the younger woman to mutter, “Jesus.”

That sent the woman into a tirade that lasted more than a minute.

“Hey, listen to me,” the woman barked. “We don’t play games here anymore. Next time you talk to me like that, you’re going to get your ass kicked by my family. They’re gonna f–k you up.”

“Why, what did I do?” Berry asked.

“Because you are an a–hole. Look at you, you’ve got the whole stairs to yourself!” the older woman shot back, getting even louder. “Why don’t you go somewhere else where you can go to a gym? This is not just for you! Get the f–k out of this world! Get the f–k out of this state, go back to whatever f–king Asian country you belong in!”

“This is not your home!” she continued as she turned to walk away. “We do not want you here! You put that on Facebook. I hope you do. Because every f–king person will beat the crap out of you from here on out.”

The woman who unleashed racist rants in public.
The woman who unleashed racist rants in public.via Twitter

The woman then proceeded to call Berry a “little b—h,” a “sick f–king ignorant teenager” — and even criticized her for wearing black “in California sun.”

In a statement posted to Facebook by friend Samantha Baker, Berry said she “never imagined that my story would reach so many people, and I am happy to know that it may shed some light on the work that needs to be done in this country.”

“As a Filipino American, I believe that all people of color should be treated with humanity, dignity, and respect,” she wrote. “I stand in solidarity with all oppressed people who face discrimination and violence just because of their ethnicity, nationality, gender, gender non-conformity, and sexual orientation. I hope my experience lends itself to the fight for justice and equality.”

Baker said a crime report has been filed with the Torrance Police Department.

Congressman Ted Lieu, who represents the Torrance area, weighed in on the viral confrontation.

“This woman went on an anti-Asian tirade in Torrance, CA,” he tweeted. “You know what’s sort of cool? The good and decent people of Torrance repeatedly elected an Asian American to City Council, then State Assembly, then State Senate, then Congress. That would be me.”

In a second video posted a day later, the same woman can be seen confronting a man — who was with his 11-year-old son — during a parking dispute at the same park.

“I am not a racist person, but you know what, you need to go home,” she said. “I don’t care about your Facebook or your video. Do you know how many people can’t stand you being here?”

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California "Karen" during her racist tirade
The woman who unleashed racist rants in public.via Twitter
California "Karen" during her racist tirade
The woman who unleashed racist rants in public.via Twitter
California "Karen" during her racist tirade
The woman who unleashed racist rants in public.via Twitter

She also told the man to “get f–ked to death” and spoke in a mock Asian accent, repeating, “You understand me, China man?”

The man, who did not want to be identified, told KTLA he’s disturbed that the racist rant happened in front of his son.

“My dad was innocent and he did nothing wrong, so I was confused,” the boy told the station.