
Video shows dogs chasing young seal away on Rockaway Beach

An adorable young seal spotted on Rockaway Beach over the weekend was chased back into the water by two frisky dogs, according to a wild new video.

The clip shows the juvenile gray seal barking as it hops on its belly across the sand and away from the unleashed canines, which curiously run toward it while barking.

The scene angered some wildlife lovers, who thought the pooches should have been held back so the marine mammal could just mind its own business.

“This poor seal was chased off of the beach by unleashed dogs this morning. DO NOT let your dogs near seals,” one local wrote on the Facebook group Best Friends of Rockaway Beach Monday.

“There is zero excuse for this.”

Maxine Montello, a rep for the New York Marine Rescue Center, said beachgoers are required by law to stay at least 150 feet from seals.

“You want make sure you keep your distance , and that the animal doesn’t change its behavior because of your presence,” she said. “It’s really important to keep dogs away from seals because both animals could be injured — and it’s very stressful to the seal.”

In this case, she said the marine mammal had made its way onto the sand to rest before it was charged by the dogs.

“Unfortunately it was chased in the water before it could rest. It was clearly fearful of situation, which looks aggressive.”

She said beachgoers can report marine life in danger through the 24-hour hotline 631-369-9829.