Richard Sherman singles out Jerry Jones for George Floyd silence

Over the past several days, many prominent NFL voices – including superstar QB Patrick Mahomes and commissioner Roger Goodell – have spoken out about about systemic racism in America following the death of George Floyd.

But several owners have remained quiet, and players have started to notice. In an interview with the San Francisco Chronicle, 49ers cornerback Richard Sherman singled out a specific owner – Dallas Cowboys boss Jerry Jones.

“It’s not pulling [the owners] like it is the rest of the country,” Sherman said. “Because if it was, then they’d speak. Jerry Jones, especially, has no problem speaking up any other time about anything else. But when it’s such a serious issue, and he could really make a huge impact on it with a few words, his silence speaks volumes.”

The Cowboys released a two-minute video condemning “social injustice” on June 5, featuring commentary from Dak Prescott, Byron Jones and Sean Lee. But the team has yet to release a statement. Considering Jones is one of the NFL’s most vocal owners on nearly every other topic, his inaction is particularly notable.

Sherman is not the only player to call Jones out. Former Dallas wide receiver Dez Bryant attended a march in Austin, Texas’ capital city, over the weekend, and questioned why none of the Cowboys’ brass were there.

“Somebody should have brought Jerry Jones, Stephen Jones and Jason Witten to this protest down in Austin……this is not a policy change this is a heart change and yea I said it,” Bryant tweeted.

Bryant later clarified his stance on Jones, telling Sports Illustrated: “I know Jerry’s heart — he’s a compassionate person, and he’s not a racist.”