US News

Men in Ku Klux Klan-style hoods crash Nevada Black Lives Matter rally

Two men wearing Ku Klux Klan-style hoods tried to interrupt a George Floyd rally in Nevada — with even a group who’d shouted abuse at Black Lives Matter protesters switching to help kick them out.

The pair — with another man walking beside them — were filmed in distinctive white hoods as they tried to gatecrash a rally Monday in Fallon, leading to angry chants of, “No KKK, no racist, fascist USA.”

They were almost immediately stopped by a cop who ordered them to turn around, with two other officers arriving on bikes as backup.

The crowd also made sure they marched away, with a group of “All Lives Matter” supporters who had been shouting abuse at the race-rights protesters now joining them against the KKK men, KTVN said.

The unity proved an unexpected ending for the dueling rallies — with both sides switching from yelling abuse to giving hugs, the station said.

“I said, ‘If you come in peace, then give me a hug,'” said Max Ryan, one of the armed opponents to the Black Lives Matter rally.

“The next thing I know we were having a civilized conversation, educating each other. It’s kind of amazing what one hug can do sometimes,” Ryan told KTVN.

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Two men wearing KKK-style hoods were tried to crash a Black Lives Matter protest in Fallon, Nevada.
Two men wearing KKK-style hoods try to crash a Black Lives Matter protest in Fallon, Nevada.Desiree Lynn via Storyful
Two men wearing KKK-style hoods were tried to crash a Black Lives Matter protest in Fallon, Nevada.
Two men wearing KKK-style hoods try to crash a Black Lives Matter protest in Fallon, Nevada.Desiree Lynn via Storyful
Two men wearing KKK-style hoods were tried to crash a Black Lives Matter protest in Fallon, Nevada.
Two men wearing KKK-style hoods try to crash a Black Lives Matter protest in Fallon, Nevada.Desiree Lynn via Storyful
Two men wearing KKK-style hoods were tried to crash a Black Lives Matter protest in Fallon, Nevada.
Two men wearing KKK-style hoods try to crash a Black Lives Matter protest in Fallon, Nevada.Desiree Lynn via Storyful