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Watch grizzly bear and bison fight to the death at Yellowstone National Park

It was a “grizzly” murder.

Wild footage shows the moment a grizzly bear and a young bison fight to the death next to a parking lot at Yellowstone National Park.

“The gloves are off!” Michael Daus, who shot the video, wrote in a caption.

The enthralling footage, filmed as Daus visited the national park with his family on May 31, shows the much larger bison storming the razor-clawed carnivore, who at first tries to scamper away.

But the bear then strikes back by chomping down on the bovidae’s hindquarters, dragging it to a nearby lake and drowning the animal.

The ruthless wilderness brawl was captured as Daus and his family returned, bear spray in hand, from the popular Grand Prismatic Overlook trail, which sat largely empty amid the coronavirus pandemic.

“We weren’t crazy about returning to find the bear so close, just beyond the opposite side of the small parking area,” Daus says.

“We didn’t even see it until we were at our vehicle. I was particularly relieved that the bear seemed more interested in the bison, so while very close to the car, we simply maintained what felt like a safe distance.”

Bears and wolves are the only predators of adult bison at Yellowstone.