US News

George Floyd’s childhood dream was to become a Supreme Court justice

An essay penned by an 8-year-old George Floyd revealed that he had big dreams of one day sitting on the Supreme Court, according to his former teacher.

Waynel Sexton, who taught Floyd at Frederick Douglass Elementary School in Texas, uncovered his writing assignment from 1981 in which he described his aspirations of becoming a judge, CNN reported.

Floyd — who went by his middle name, Perry — answered a prompt for a Black History Month lesson about students’ plans to make a difference.

“When I grow up, I want to be a Supreme Court Judge. When people say, ‘Your honor, he did rob the bank, I will say, ‘Be seated.’ And if he doesn’t, I will tell the guard to take him out. Then I will beat my hammer on the desk. Then everybody will be quiet,” he wrote.

Nearly four decades later, his death has prompted calls for justice after a white cop, Derek Chauvin, was accused of killing him by pressing his knee into Floyd’s neck for nearly nine minutes in Minneapolis.

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