
Sister of officer killed in Oakland riots condemns George Floyd killing

The sister of a Federal Protective Services officer killed during riots in Oakland earlier this month decried his death in testimony before a congressional committee Wednesday — but also forcefully condemned the killing of George Floyd by Minneapolis cops as she issued a call for justice.

Patrick Underwood was shot and killed while guarding the Ronald V. Dellums Federal Building in Oakland when a van pulled up and someone opened fire at the guards outside the building in what authorities suspect was a planned attack on cops, an attack decried by President Trump.

“I want to honor my brother Dave Patrick Underwood and our family and help our nation think about how to navigate the righteous path to equality, freedom and nonviolent systemic change,” Angela Underwood Jacobs told the House Judiciary Committee moments after it heard from George Floyd’s brother Philonise Floyd.

Jacobs called Floyd’s killing “criminal” and hoped that her brother, who, like Floyd, was black, would get the same kind of justice that Floyd did, referring to the arrest of Minneapolis Police Officer Derek Chauvin, who kneeled on Floyd’s neck, and other officers who assisted or stood by and did nothing to intervene.

“I want to extend my sympathies and condolences to George Floyd’s family. Mr. Floyd’s murder was just not cruel, reprehensible, but criminal. The officers involved should be brought to justice and held accountable for their actions as well as their inaction,” she declared.

Dave Underwood
Dave UnderwoodGoFundMe

“I wish that same justice for my brother Patrick, who served with distinction and honor as a federal officer for the Department of Homeland Security until he was murdered anonymously by blind violence on the steps of the federal courthouse. Fear, hatred, ignorance and blind violence snatched the life of my brother Patrick from all of us.”

She was introduced as a witness by House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), an opponent of some Democrats’ and activists’ calls for sweeping police reforms following Floyd’s death and those of many other black men at the hands of cops.

“Pat was guarding the federal courthouse, a symbol of equal justice and the rule of law. During the riots in Oakland on the night of his death, it appears his death was part of a targeted attack on federal law enforcement,” McCarthy said when introducing her.

“We pray that justice comes swiftly and completely for Pat, for George Floyd, and all victims of violence.”

Protests in Oakland over George Floyd's death
Protests in Oakland over George Floyd’s deathGetty Images

Jacobs later invoked the non-violence philosophy of assassinated civil rights legend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

“Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. preached, always avoid violence. If you succumb to the temptation of using violence in your struggle, unborn generations will be recipients of a long and desolate night of bitterness, and your chief legacy to the future will be an endless reign of meaningless chaos,” Jacobs said before urging Americans to come together to fight injustice.

“America is in pain and she is crying. Can you hear her? I am here to seek justice to the chaos for my brother Patrick, for George Floyd, for citizens of all colors, for communities across America, and for the police officers that protect those communities and their citizens every day,” she continued.

“The actions of a few are dividing us as a nation. At a time when we should be coming together and uniting for the well-being of all people, we will never solve injustice with looting, burning, destruction of property, and killing in the name of justice,” she said.

“We must find lawful, peaceful solutions that uplift and benefit everyone. This is greater than a black, white, or blue issue. It is a humanity issue.”

She faulted people in power who abuse their authority as “the very definition of oppression,” but also decried those who would use discrimination as an excuse to “loot and burn our communities, to kill our officers of the law.”

“We need to listen and learn from each other. It is time for everyone to open their ears and listen to what each other has to say. America is the world’s melting pot because we have so many people, cultures, beliefs, and points of view. Somehow we have become siloed. I hope I can make a difference today. I want America to make a change. I want you as our representatives in Congress to make a change so that no one ever has to wake up to the phone call that I received telling me that my brother was shot dead and murdered,” Jacobs added.

“Please, do not let my brother Patrick die in vain.”

Trump, apparently watching the start of the hearing — he praised Ohio GOP Rep. Jim Jordan’s opening statement opposing defunding the police — went after cable networks for cutting away from the broadcast after Floyd spoke and McCarthy had just introduced Jacobs.

“Great statement to Congress by @Jim_Jordan concerning Defunding (not!) our great Police. This Radical Left agenda is not going to happen. Sleepy Joe Biden will be (already is) pulled all the way Left. Many, like Minneapolis, want to close their Police Departments. Crazy!” he tweeted before turning his attention to Fox News.

“Incredible! @FoxNews just took Congressional Hearing off the air just prior to important witness statements. More like CNN!!! Fox is lost!!!” the commander-in-chief added.