
No protesters have been arrested since NYC curfew lifted

The NYPD has recorded zero arrests during the George Floyd protests since the mayor lifted the citywide curfew Sunday, police said.

Mayor Bill de Blasio ended the citywide curfew on Sunday — despite previously rejecting calls to end the controversial executive order amid threats of legal action.

The NYPD’s counter-intelligence czar said Saturday the curfew had helped curtail the criminal element, which took advantage of unpatrolled areas while police were assigned elsewhere to control crowds at protests.

Since the protests began over Floyd, a black man killed by a white cop in Minneapolis on May 25, more than 1,000 people were arrested and another almost 1,500 were cited for being out past curfew, according to police officials.

The majority of people during the days of demonstrations over police misconduct were given a summons for violating the curfew, which first started at 11 p.m. and was later pushed forward to 8 p.m., according to police data.

The lighter touch in police enforcement could be seen over the weekend — even before the curfew was lifted — after the department came under fire for how it violently broke up a demonstration in Mott Haven late last week.