
Learn the ins and outs of digital advertising with these online classes

If you took an advertiser from 10 years ago, put them in a time machine and transported them to today, it’s safe to say they would have zero clue how to do their job, let alone do it well. The digital marketing and advertising landscape have changed a lot in the past few years, and if your knowledge is limited to just Facebook and Google, it’s high time for a refresher.

For that, we turn to The Digital Advertising & Marketing 101 Certification Bundle (now $30), a comprehensive primer on today’s biggest tools, software programs, and platforms available to advertising pros which features a collection of tips, tricks, and growth strategies. And thanks to its robust curriculum, the course collection doubles both as a great resource for professionals who need to keep up-to-date on the latest digital trends and newbies looking to break into the industry.

The Digital Advertising & Marketing 101 Certification Bundle is comprised of five key courses (an overview 101 guide, a focus on today’s marketing trends, a professional course, an introduction to programmatic advertising, and a digital ad sales class). Along the way, online students will learn the fundamentals of location targeting, the costs of launching different ads online, optimization techniques, advertising and programmatic strategy, and how to read incoming ad data. Simply put, it’s all the information one would need to plan, execute, launch, and measure a campaign from start to finish.

Each of the five courses is led by industry veteran and award-winning digital marketer Ben Silverstein (who has managed millions of dollars in marketing spend for the likes of Six Flags and Giorgio Armani). And many of the past and current students have noted how informative and digestible Silverstein’s lessons are. As one current user notes, “Excellent and to the point, the instructor has complete knowledge about the course, I would definitely recommend this to everyone.”

Piecemeal, you would pay $1,495 to get all of these courses. But, for a limited-time, digital students can receive lifetime access to the entire suite of classes in The Digital Advertising & Marketing 101 Certification Bundle for just $30.

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