
Domino’s reveals nifty pizza microwave hack to prevent sogginess

Sog be gone.

When eating leftover pizza, lazy consumers face a choice: Eat a slice cold or have it hot but soggy after reheating in the microwave. Domino’s has revealed a quick hack for pizza lovers to reheat their slice quickly while maintaining some of its crispy texture.

“For those feeling next level hangry, who are keen to get stuck into their leftovers but want to step it up from the fridge, this hack goes down as the easiest (but not necessarily the most reliable) in history,” reads a blog posted to the Domino’s Australia website on May 18. “To prevent a soggy slice, add a half-full cup of water to the microwave with your pizza and heat for around 30 seconds.”

The chain warns that the trick, while worth trying, has mixed results.

“Crispiness not guaranteed, but worth a shot,” the explainer, titled “Microwave magic,” concludes.

Some pizza aficionados believe it’s far too good to be true.

“You put it in the microwave? Fuhgeddaboudit,” Nino Martinez, owner of Milly’s Pizza in Bed-Stuy, tells The Post. “Whatever you put in the microwave becomes soggy.”

The pizzeria owner says he “hates microwaves — the first thing I did [when I opened Milly’s] was throw them out.”

Instead, he suggests reheating pizza in a toaster oven, which may take slightly longer, but is worth the wait.

As for the cup of water in the microwave hack, “I never heard that trick — I will find out today,” he says, laughing, and promising to test it out with his kids once he gets home.

Other hacks Domino’s recommends in its post include “Crust a la Churro” — cutting off the pizza crust from leftover slices, frying them with butter and sprinkling ’em with cinnamon — and a “toppings omelet” — scraping those uneaten garnishes into a bowl of eggs and cooking them into an omelet.