
Why #DefundNYPD is utter garbage

Pure garbage: That’s what #DefundNYPD is, even if city politicians from Mayor Bill de Blasio on down are rushing to appease it.

Everyone says their cuts won’t jeopardize safety. But the mayor’s not detailing his ideas, while the radicals believe that police don’t actually keep New Yorkers safe. (It’s the invisible unicorns that do it, we guess.)

Asked to explain what drove this city’s murder rate down from over 2,000 a year to just over 300, even as the population grew, they’ll make noises about the rise in incarceration — even though New York’s jail and prison populations have been shrinking steadily for more than two decades now. (It’s why prisons have closed.)

Camden, NJ, disbanded its force and did fine, they note. But it did so in conjunction with enlarging of the county police force — resulting in more cops in the city.

They say you can get better results by spending the cash on social services. Huh? This city already leads the nation in social spending — and did in the ’90s, when crime was sky-high. The crime turnaround started under Mayor David Dinkins, an African-American leader with the sense to add 6,000 cops to the NYPD’s ranks.

There’s a reason Joe Biden rejects the “defund” nonsense: Good policing is what prevents lawlessness that would harm the poor and minorities most: They made up most of those 2,000 murder victims.

Keeping New York cops in line are an inspector general, a court monitor, an Internal Affairs unit, a Civilian Complaint Review Board and numerous prosecutors — plus private lawyers eager to sue.

The defunders have already been getting their way — with relentless decriminalization that most recently saw the Legislature write a near-universal get-out-of-jail-free card that covers even those caught looting during a riot.

The result: This year, arrests are down 40 percent. And murders through May 31 rose 19 percent, burglaries 31 percent and car thefts 64 percent.

New York has already gone too far — but the defunders want more.