US News

Umbrella blade found at George Floyd protest

A crude spear made by fastening a knife to the front of a closed umbrella was found following a George Floyd protest in Portland, Oregon, according to city cops.

“Public safety advisory: This umbrella converted to a weapon was recovered after last night’s demonstration downtown,” the Portland Police Department wrote in a tweet late Sunday, along with a photo of the improvised bayonet.

“While many people are intent on remaining peaceful, we want to ensure participants & media take precautions and report any criminal acts that could injure others,” the department added.

Cities worldwide have been rocked by protests over the past two weeks demanding justice for Floyd, a black man who died May 25 after a white Minneapolis cop knelt on his neck.

While the demonstrations have largely been calm, looters and destruction-minded anarchists have managed at times to change the tenor to something less pure, officials have said.

In New York City alone, nearly 300 cops have been injured on the job since the protests began, the NYPD said Sunday.