
Movie sex scenes will be replaced with CGI wizardry to cut coronavirus risk

No protection needed for these digital affairs.

As Hollywood prepares to reopen following its coronavirus-induced closure in March, on-set sexual distancing protocols are beginning to be laid out — including animated mating.

The film editors’ trade association has released a 22-page file dictating how “close contact moments” should be “either rewritten, abandoned” or replaced with computer-generated imagery (CGI) to minimize spreading COVID-19 while filming, the Sun reports.

Also, all backstage crew will now be expected to wear masks and visors, live audiences will remain on pause indefinitely, and actors will be given formal hand-washing lessons. Holding auditions behind Plexiglas, having “coronavirus compliance officers” present, keeping unruly children away from sets and limiting the number of people who handle on-set animals are also touted in the document as good tactics for preventing any spread of the disease.

The paper — which was presented to the governors of New York and California this month as evidence that Hollywood is ready for “action!” — stops short of vowing to put intimate scenes and fight scenes on hold while acknowledging they have a higher risk of transmission. “Whenever possible, performers shall practice physical distancing,” the report assures.

The intimacy -- let alone all that face touching -- in movies such as "The Legend of Tarzan" will have to change, post-lockdown.
The intimacy — let alone all that face touching — in movies such as “The Legend of Tarzan” will have to change, post-lockdown.©Warner Bros/Courtesy Everett C

Hollywood studios quietly began turning to tech back in April, using virtual reality technology to create digital sets that could be made from home, while staff remained quarantined.

“It can get you into production quickly,” says Kim Libreri, chief technology officer at Epic Games of utilizing techniques more frequently used by the video game industry.

Tinseltown is also considering implementing tactics long utilized in the world of the porn, including rigorous testing and a database that lists who is clean and available for work.

“The challenges for sports, for Hollywood and the porn industry are all different, but in reality, we each have things we can learn from each other,” says Mike Stabile, rep for the Free Speech Coalition, a trade association for the US adult entertainment industry. “This is obviously a different type of virus, this is a different type of threat, but we understood, in general, how it would work and what we’d need to do in order to protect ourselves.”