Eagles’ Malik Jackson trashes Drew Brees’ kneeling apology

Drew Brees was quickly granted forgiveness from teammates after the Saints quarterback apologized for saying he was against kneeling during the national anthem.

Some players without incentive to make amends with Brees might not be as understanding.

“I don’t accept his apology,” Eagles defensive lineman Malik Jackson told ABC 6 in Philadelphia. “I think he’s only apologizing because people came for him and people are disagreeing with him and he understands that his base in Louisiana, there’s a lot of black people.”

The Eagles and Saints are scheduled to meet on Dec. 13 in Philadelphia. Jackson anticipates he’ll still have a lot to say to Brees about the matter.

“Definitely excited to play him this year,” the 6-foot-5, 290-pounder Jackson said. “I’m going to have a lot to say. Hopefully, I don’t get too wild with it, but I don’t understand how you could say that when you have people blocking for you who are black, catching balls from you who are black and people that are running the ball for you who are black.”