
Make Prince Andrew sing

Kudos to the Trump Department of Justice for not letting Prince Andrew worm his way out of answering questions about his long relationship with the late pedophile Jeffrey Epstein.

The DOJ is invoking Britain’s treaty obligations as it demands the prince be made available. Prosecutors for the Southern District of New York bypassed Buckingham Palace to file a “mutual legal assistance” request for assistance in a criminal investigation to the UK Home Office in order to force the royal to testify, The Sun reported.

Andrew’s lawyers pretend he’s made multiple offers to talk — as if the feds would go to these lengths just to embarrass a prince who’s all too good at embarrassing himself.

He plainly doesn’t want to address the claims of Virginia Roberts Giuffre, who has long insisted that Epstein forced her to have sex with the prince three times, starting when she was 17 in 2001.

Andrew has repeatedly denied her allegations and Buckingham Palace has called them “categorically untrue.” If so, the Duke of York should have no problem answering questions.

The feds’ move is supposedly causing a diplomatic crisis — though the prince has no special legal status, nor should he. In the name of justice, the UK government should cooperate with the US prosecutors and compel Andrew to give evidence under oath as a witness. He’s traded on his title long enough.